
The Outreach Committee’s aim is to help fulfill the Parish’s responsibilities in assisting those less fortunate than ourselves.  We do this under three headings: the world, our country and our community.

Our international contributions this past year have included support for the Primate’s Fund, the Hohoe orphanage in Ghana, the Guatemala Stoves Fund and Doctors Without Borders.  Nationally, we again contributed to the Church’s Council of the North, furthering its work with native peoples and isolated parishes.   A portion of the PWRDF budget is devoted to similar activities.  Closer to home, we support numbers of projects including;  Loaves and Fishes, Harvest Sharing and the Salvation Army’s Christmas baskets programme, Sunday Suppers and others.

We make information available and try to stimulate discussion on these issues through our displays in the Parish hall, talks on Outreach and PWRDF Sundays and our series of fundraising dinners with speakers.   We welcome input and involvement by our fellow parishioners. 

Outreach Committee Chair, John Groves, can be contacted through the church office.