The word stewardship comes from the Greek word ‘oikenomous’, which means somebody who manages a household. A person doesn’t own the household but manages it. And stewards in the ancient world, of course, were trusted with everything from seeing that the floors were clean, to the finances, to the public face of that household. Joseph is a good biblical example of that.
We are not the owners but have been trusted with resources and the care of everything—Creation, gifts and talents, money, time, the gospel—for the sake of God’s purposes in the world.
The Stewardship Committee holds this understanding of God’s gifts and our responsibility to care for all that God has given to us. They do that through education and worship.
The key issues that we focus on are time talent and treasure and how we use these gifts in support of the work of the church in Building God’s Kingdom. We particularly emphasize the care of God’s Creation as a core theme of Stewardship. However, we encourage people to be reflective and celebrate God’s Gifts in all parts of our life.
For more information contact Charyl Trussell through the Church Office.